
Get updates for other microsoft products not working
Get updates for other microsoft products not working

get updates for other microsoft products not working get updates for other microsoft products not working

So what is the best approach? As with many questions in the technology world, the answer is “it depends”. ) On the other hand, many IT pros have wasted a lot of time and money by opening a Professional Support ticket with Microsoft only to be directed to install a readily available update which would have fixed their problem. KB3163622 can cause an issue with GPO permissions. (This happened in the past with a Windows NT 4.0 service pack which “broke” Lotus Notes access and more recently this June, when KB3163622 was released. An update might have a code flaw, or even an intentional security hardening feature that causes issues with an existing configuration. One possible reason is that in the past they could be highly problematic. So why do some organizations not move forward with Windows updates? For Microsoft Exchange, this is a requirement. Additionally, if they want to introduce new domain controllers running a later server OS, they would be best served by running the latest and greatest updates and hotfixes on the existing systems. Several days after the patching, the problems did subside, but unless they start getting more proactive about their updating (by developing a scheduled & predictable plan) they will likely find themselves in a similar position down the road.

get updates for other microsoft products not working

The reason they finally decided to go ahead with the updates was because of WMI performance issues and they thought that having me install the long list of updates (and hotfixes) would solve their problems. They had not been installed in 3-5 years on any of these important servers! I don’t think it was truly neglect, I think it was just more of “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it” kind of approach. I recently completed a small project for a Boston area firm which involved installing Microsoft Windows updates on all of my client’s domain controllers.

Get updates for other microsoft products not working